11 Questions Every Twin Gets Asked All. The. Damn. Time.

Kate Brennan

Being a twin comes with plenty of perks. You always have someone to play with as a kid, someone to have your back at school, and someone to share clothes with (which is especially beneficial when your twin sister goes to fashion school and buys shoes like others buy groceries).

But there are plenty of not-so-great things about being a twin. Aside from the expected bickering, the shared birthdays, and the struggle to be seen as an individual, I'd say that the most frustrating part of my own experience is the questions I get asked. I understand why people would be curious about twins, especially with movies like The Parent Trap and The Shining portraying these wildly different images of what twins are really like. However, some of the questions I get asked are just a whole new level of strange. Are you guilty of asking twins questions like these? Let's find out!

Kate Brennan

People usually don't wait for an answer for this one — it's usually followed by a test of the theory.

Kate Brennan

Quick PSA: We are people and it's really rude to stand in front of two people and ask them which one is smarter. I was once asked why I got a B+ on a test and my sister got an A-. Not cool!

Kate Brennan

Yeah, we're basically aliens. Oh, sorry I have to go — my twin just sent me a mind message asking where I am.

Kate Brennan

Yes, we are twins and we share a birthday. No, that does not mean that our YOUNGER sibling also shares our birthday — we're not triplets.

Kate Brennan

I have an aunt and uncle who would ask us this question, and I swear, one day, I'm going to go to their house for Thanksgiving and say, "So, you guys are married. Do you fight a lot?"

Kate Brennan

Let me explain this one. I am asked this question in the most random settings, because people assume that my twin and I must be together at all times. Someone will run into me in public, and immediately after saying hi, they'll ask where my twin is. A lot of the time, I don't know!

Kate Brennan

Yes, twins only want to date other twins. That's how it works.

Kate Brennan

Me, a 19 year-old: . . . No.

Kate Brennan

Because we're two separate people with different dreams and goals. It's that simple!

Kate Brennan

While this one is not a question, it was too good to not include in here. You'd be amazed at how many times my sister and I have had people explicitly tell us that they like one better than the other. I've heard "I like you better than your sister" and "I like your sister better than you." Maybe not the thing to say to a person.