Remember to Take Your Kids Out of the Car — Check Your Facts!

No parent thinks they would forget their child, but they do. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers get tired, preoccupied with work or the errands they are running, or confused by their child-care schedules, and forget that their kids are strapped to their car seats [1]. Due to the extreme heat, many tots die.

So far this year, 13 kids have died — and an average of 38 kids die in heat-related car deaths each year [2]. While products that remind parents about little ones in the backseat sound like a joke [3], the statistics about the situation are startling. Take this quiz to check your facts and get tips to prevent it from happening to your family.

Remember to Take Your Kids Out of the Car — Check Your Facts!

True or false: Children left in vehicles often die because of the heat inside the car.


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