The Power of Birth Affirmations

Jan 10 2015 - 11:41am

Hypnobirthing isn't for everyone, but for moms-to-be who are planning a natural childbirth, classes can provide them with tools in their tool belts to help them learn techniques to relax and cope with the intensity of labor and delivery. Instructors tend to hand out CDs remind laboring moms to focus on breathing and positive thoughts, and though it sounds a little weird, it can honestly be really helpful. One of the CDs is often filled with birth affirmations, which you've probably heard about in prenatal yoga classes. You basically say a positive statement either in your mind or out loud, and it helps dissipate fears and manifest the feelings you want to experience. Based on advice from moms who've been through it, we wanted to share some birth affirmations that have built their confidence and made them feel more prepared for childbirth.

Hearing these for the first time is a little odd (or reminds you of SNL's Jack Handey), but if you can get passed feeling weird and say them to yourself, they will help replace your fears with positive feelings.

If you have any affirmations to share, we'd love to hear them as well.

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